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Auto Product Liability Attorney

Information on Auto Product Liability

Whether you are a teacher, a banker, a waiter or waitress, an accountant, or any other professional, you are expected to perform your job with precision, expertise, and attention to detail. The same is valid for auto product manufacturers. As people with only a basic or limited knowledge of automobiles and auto products, all of us assume, on blind faith, that when we purchase a vehicle or a part for our truck, it has been manufactured correctly and will function properly. However, this is unfortunately not always the case. When an auto product malfunctions or fails, the result can be a deadly car accident that can cause injury and even death. If you have been involved in a car accident due to a defective auto part or safety system, or a severe design flaw in the vehicle, contact a car accident attorney from our firm as soon as possible. By pursuing legal action against the manufacturer, we can help you to seek compensation for all damages.

The manufacturer may be held responsible for the accident when an auto product malfunctions. Often, a manufacturer may know that a product does not function correctly but may not immediately recall it. This flagrant disregard for the lives of the people who purchase their product puts all drivers using that vehicle at serious risk of injury. Some products that commonly malfunction, leading to accidents and injuries, include seat belts or other automobile safety features not properly engaging during an accident, SUVs that rollover during an accident, defective tires, braking systems, accelerators, or problems with the gas tank that can cause explosions, and many others. These are serious accidents and require the legal knowledge of an experienced attorney.

Auto Product Liability Attorney
At our Law Firm, we take auto product liability cases very seriously. With over 100 years of combined experience, we are dedicated to helping the victims of car accidents caused by defective products or any other type of car accident. Whether you were involved in a drunk driving accident, hit and run, or a work zone accident, our attorneys are familiar with car accident cases and are ready to help you. We look beyond the injuries to the people.

Contact our firm’s auto product liability attorney today if you have been injured or involved in a car accident due to a defective auto product.

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