This Blog was brought to you by The Carabin Shaw Law Firm – Call Shaw! – Personal Injury Attorneys San Antonio

Here Are Some Interesting Facts:
1. Our car accident attorneys have a wealth of experience in representing clients who have been involved in car accidents.
2. We have a proven track record of success in obtaining favorable outcomes for our clients.
3. We are dedicated to providing our clients with the highest quality legal representation.
4. We are committed to protecting the rights of our clients.
5. We are aggressive in our pursuit of justice for our clients.
6. We are available to our clients 24 hours a day, 7 days a week.
7. We offer a free initial consultation to all potential clients.
8. We accept cases on a contingency fee basis, which means we only get paid if we recover compensation for our clients.
9. We have a team of experienced investigators who will work to gather evidence and build a strong case on your behalf.

More about our Car Accident Lawyer here

Just In Case You Have Any Questions
1. What is the average success rate for cases like mine?

This is a difficult question to answer because success rates vary widely depending on the specifics of each individual case. In general, however, the average success rate for cases similar to yours is likely to be quite high. This is because the vast majority of cases that go to trial are ultimately successful. Got Injured In An Accident – CALL SHAW

2. How many auto accident cases have you handled?
Our Law Firm has handled countless car accident cases over the years. Each one is unique and presents its own challenges, but we have successfully represented many clients in court and helped them receive the compensation they deserve.

No two accidents are alike, but many of the cases we have handled have involved serious injuries such as broken bones, spinal cord damage, and traumatic brain injuries. Our firm has also represented clients who have lost loved ones in fatal car accidents.

3. What is your experience with cases that go to trial?
We have had a lot of experience with cases that go to trial. We have worked on both sides of the aisle, as a prosecutor and a defense attorneys. Our firm has tried cases in front of a judge and a jury. We have also worked on appeals.

Our Lawyers have found that cases that go to trial are usually very complex. There are a lot of moving parts and a lot of people involved.

4. How often do you settle cases out of court?
It really depends on the case and the parties involved. Some cases are more likely to settle out of court because the parties can come to an agreement more easily, while other cases may go to trial because the parties cannot agree on a settlement.
5. What is the average amount of money you have been able to recover for clients?
The average amount of money that we have been able to recover for clients with minor injuries is $15,000. This number can vary depending on the case and the client’s individual injuries. In many cases, we have been able to recover much more than $15,000 for our clients.

6. Are you familiar with the insurance companies involved in my case?
Yes, we are very familiar with the insurance companies involved in your case. Our Firm has worked with them extensively over the past few years and has a good working relationship with them. we are confident that we can get a fair settlement for you.

Traffic Accidents and Fatality Rates
7. What do you think are the strengths and weaknesses of my case?
The strengths of your case may include the facts, witness testimony, evidence, and the legal arguments that can be made. The weaknesses of your case may include the same factors but are viewed from the other side. For example, the facts may be interpreted differently by the other side, witness testimony may be discredited, evidence may be lacking, or the legal arguments may be weak.

8. How long do you think it will take to resolve my case?
It is impossible to estimate how long it will take to resolve a case without knowing more about the specific facts and circumstances involved. Generally speaking, however, the length of time it takes to resolve a case will depend on a number of factors but speaking from experience we can say 6 months to two years.

9. What are the potential risks and rewards of going to trial?

The potential risks and rewards of going to trial are numerous and varied. Some of the potential risks include: the jury could deny your claim, on the other hand, they could reward you more than we were asking for.

10. What are my options if we are not able to reach a settlement?
If you and the other party are not able to reach a settlement, your options are to either go to trial or file for arbitration. If you go to trial, a judge or jury will hear both sides of the case and decide who is liable for damages. If you file for arbitration, a neutral third party will review the evidence and make a decision about who is liable for damages.

Driver fatigue, drunk drivers, and reckless drivers cause accidents and fatalities every day on the road. In these instances, a judge may even reward the victim with punitive damages in addition to compensatory damages to further deter a continuation of the egregious behavior by the responsible party. But in order to get there, you need to contact a Car Accident Lawyer.


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